World trends in freedom of expression and media development; Global report 2021/2022
“Journalism is a public good” is the theme of the current edition of UNESCO’s World Trends in Freedom of Expression and Media Development. Published every four years since 2014, the World Trends series “analyses trends in media freedom, pluralism, independence, and the safety of journalists”. (https://www.unesco.org/en/world-media-trends)
The report documents the growing crises in the freedom and safety of journalists worldwide, including violence against women journalists that “poses a threat to diversity in the media, as well as equal participation in democratic deliberation and the public’s right to access information.” The publication presents the research evidence on the scale and impact of such violence, and response measures reported UN member States.
A raíz de las sanciones contra Rusia, los civiles pasan el verano sin trabajo, medios de comunicación y bienes asequibles.
(foto: Un idílico pueblo ruso de dachas (casas de campo) durante el verano. Franz Marc Frei / Getty)
Por Nadezhda Azhgikhina (publicado originalmente en The Nation 3-8-2022)
Como muchos moscovitas, paso este verano en la casa de campo. En 2022, hay muchas más personas que en años anteriores de vacaciones en nuestro pueblo, ubicado cerca del antiguo cruce de Obiralovka, donde Lev Tolstoy arrojó a Anna Karenina debajo de un tren (las mujeres dejan ramos de flores en la placa conmemorativa de la estación, pensando que Anna fue una víctima real de un amor infeliz y no un personaje ficticio). Una razón por la que hay más gente es el desarrollo de Internet; muchos continúan trabajando de forma remota, lo que comenzaron a hacer durante la pandemia. Además, casi todos los que suelen disfrutar sus vacaciones en el extranjero están pasando el verano de 2022 en Rusia debido a las sanciones internacionales.
Read more “Carta desde la dacha” →In the wake of sanctions against Russia, civilians are spending summer without work, news outlets, and affordable goods.
(image: An idyllic Russian village of dachas (countryside cottages) in the summertime. (Franz Marc Frei / Getty)
By Nadezhda Azhgikhina (originally published at The Nation on 3-8-2022)
Like many Muscovites, I am spending this summer at the dacha. In 2022, there are many more people than in years past vacationing in our village, located close to the former Obiralovka Junction, where Lev Tolstoy tossed Anna Karenina under a train (women leave bouquets at the memorial plaque at the station, thinking that Anna was a real victim of unhappy love and not a fictional character). One reason there are more people is the development of the Internet; many continue working remotely, which they began doing during the pandemic. Besides, almost everyone who usually vacations abroad is spending the summer of 2022 in Russia because of the international sanctions.
The “special operation” in Ukraine that began on February 24 has radically changed many Russians’ lives, particularly members of the middle class, intellectuals, and people who were active civically.
Read more “A Letter From the Dacha” →At the proposal of GAMAG EUROPE, it supports the journalist Soledad Jarquín Edgar, who has claimed in the European continent the justice that is denied to her in Mexico
The Global Alliance on Media And Gender (GAMAG), at the proposal of its Regional Chapter GAMAG EUROPE, supports the Mexican journalist Soledad Jarquín Edgar, who has demanded in Europe the justice that is denied to her in Mexico, to clarify the femicide of her daughter, photojournalist María del Sol Cruz Jarquín.
The case has already been presented to the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and the UN Committee for the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). This Committee, based in Geneva, is a body of independent experts that monitors the implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women.
Read more “GAMAG demands to clarify the femicide of María del Sol Cruz Jarquín on its 4th anniversary” →