Gender equality and inclusion in #OurDigitalFuture
We advocate for a New Gender Deal for WSIS+20.
a. Calling on all relevant actors – the UN system, governments, media and digital communication companies, and civil society movements – to support the inclusion of a new gender deal in the digital ecosystem.
b. Interrogating existing norms and reinforces mechanisms to strengthen gender equality within the technology sector.
c. Implementing actions designed to respond to urgent identified needs, such as:
i. ensuring universal and safe access of women and girls to the digital ecosystem;
ii. promoting regulatory and co-regulatory mechanisms at national, regional and international levels;
iii. implementing frameworks for algorithmic transparency, incorporating methods such as third party audits;
iv. promoting digital literacy programmes with a gender component;
v. encouraging efforts by women’s organisations in using digital media and online spaces to amplify their stories;
vi. ensuring safe conditions for women journalists and human rights defenders; and,
vii. tackling online and offline gender-based harassment and violence against women and girls, gagging clauses and consequent immunity from the law.
d. Urging the international community to recognise the centrality of these issues in achieving gender equality in the 21st century.