GAMAG Europe calls for support to women journalists in…
Photo: Paula Bronstein/ GEtty Image
Friday, 20-August-2021
GAMAG Europe (GE) joins the international community in calling on governments and organizations to provide immediate support and protection to journalists, media workers and their families in Afghanistan, with special attention to women journalists, in view of the fact that, since the Taliban are now in control of the country, this group is particularly vulnerable and at risk.
GAMAG has always drawn attention to the violent threats and particular harassment that women journalists face, and has provided a strong voice to journalists and media workers, primarily women. And this is even more relevant in Afghanistan, given that the Taliban have recently taken control of much of the country. Being democratically elected does not make leaders infallible; taking some measures favorable to the electorate does not necessarily mean that dissenting voices are not oppressed.
GAMAG Europe believes that when journalists are prevented from carrying out their work, the democratic process is threatened and the whole world suffers as a consequence. Furthermore, even when a media worker is silenced, this has a ripple effect and the threat extends to everyone working on similar stories. When these incidents are translated into the situation in Afghanistan, where all independent journalists and media workers face dangerous times ahead, it is even more urgent that the international community intervene in any way possible to speak in their defense, and take concrete action to ensure your security and freedom to share information.
That is why the international community must guarantee that those still in the country are not isolated, have access to secure communication channels and that no journalist, writer, blogger, media worker is harassed, silenced, threatened, arrested or faced with any form of violence just because they are doing their job. GAMAG Europe is also trying to help these people with the collaboration of European civil society so that they can stand up to the Taliban and continue their path towards democracy.