The win of the Taliban in Afghanistan and the withdrawal of international forces in August has put on hold the advances that the country and women and girls in particular have benefited from in the last two decades. And not only that, but they are in clear setback and danger.
Few people have been evacuated compared to all those left at the mercy of the new Afghan government, ruled by Sharia. This Government has abolished the Ministry of Women’s Affairs by the so-called Ministry for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice.
The education of girls, the minimal rights acquired by women, the lack of freedom of expression and the vulnerability of women in jobs directly linked to the rule of law such as the judiciary and journalism are in danger.
Faced with this situation, Gamag-Europe, in tune with the Global Alliance on Media and Gender (GAMAG), has decided to undertake specific actions to support women and girls and journalists, educators and judges in particular:
1.- In collaboration with the IFJ, try to help three Afghan women journalists to leave the country.
2.- On October 21, a webinar will be held at 12.00 (EDT) 16.00 PM (GMT) and 18.00 (CET)
Register in advance for this webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_tdHC9HNpSLqWye_UW0kFUg
3.- Make an appeal to the European institutions.
4.-Actions at the national level with civil society organizations and unions.
Gamag-Europa calls on the European Parliament, the European Commission, the Council of Europe and the European Institute for Gender Equality to take the necessary measures to:
1) Put pressure from the competent international organizations on the Government of Afghanistan in the face of the abuse of rights of the population, women and girls and journalists, educators and judges in particular.
2) Promote the reception and international protection of refugees from Afghanistan.
3) Give support to women’s organizations and platforms or media that work online from within and outside the country