International Press Freedom Day
The commemoration of Unesco this May 3,2021 has a slogan ” Information as public good”. It is symbolic : during pandemic time people all over the globe understood the crucial role of frue and accurate information as well as challenges for independent voices. Press freedom and journalists have never been challenged that much before.
UNESCO, RSF, CPJ, OSCE, IFJ, EFJ and other organizations report about unprecedented pressure on freedom of expression. More than 1.500 media workers have been killed in recent 10 years, 9 cases from 10 ended with impunity.
New legal restrictions, attacks and different forms of censorship and all forms of pressure on journalists take place everywhere. At the same time gender discrimination is growing all over the world, and in the media as well.
Growing sexual harassment, gender based censorship and discrimination are regular practice. Women journalists working online face double burden, bournout, they are fired and underpaid more often than men.
They face threats online and offline three times more often than men Women activists face threats including death threats for covering acts of gender based violence. General sexist approach in the media is growing.
GAMAG EUROPE joins UNESCO, RFS, Iin, COU, EU, EFJ and others in call for justice for killed colleagues and safety for all as well as gender equality in the media. We demand proper investigation of likking of Maltese Dafne Caruana Galizia and suicide of Russian Irina Slavina, demant to stop pressure on Philippine Maria Ressa, Nicaraguan Kalua Salazar, Belarussians Daria Chultsova and Katerina Bakhvalova and others.
We demand end of impunity for those who kill and oppress journalists, end of practice of harassment and discrimination in labout market. We demand to stop sexism in the media and culture. We do believe that free from sexism and discrimination media environment would be public good for all.
GAMAG Europe Secretariat
EUROPE, May 3, 2021 International Press Freedom Day