#EqualityInMedia #IgualdadEnLosMedios
#MediaForEquality #MediosPorLaIgualdad
“Freedom of expression, freedom of speach. We women stand together and demand decent jobs, security and pay for all working women. Our future, our fight”. NURIA / GamagEurope.
“Las periodistas de GAMAG EUROPA y Apfcyl queremos cuidar la información erradicando el sexismo que invisibiliza y denigra a las mujeres” ANA / GamagEuropa.
“Our collaboration with International organisations like GE further reinforces our resolve to make a difference. Representation and participation matters, and Mediating Women is committed to be part of this journey” BRENDA / GamagEurope
“Para hacer una información de calidad tenemos que observar la realidad desde la dimensión de género y adoptar una agenda feminista.” MARTA / Gamag Europa.
“L’eguaglianza di genere è centrale nell’operato dei media” CLAUDIA / Gamag Еuropa
“Women journalists are also workers; from GE we claim for a true corresponsability of men and of both public and private sector, in the care work, that has proved to be essential during this pandemic”. ELENA / Gamag Europe
“As a GAMAG EUROPE member I say : equality in media and media for equality!” SVETLANA / Gamag Европа.
“La sociedad tiene que ser igual para poder ser justa” MARÍA ÁNGELES / Gamag Europa
“Our solidarity is our best tool and strategy for the better future, for equality and justice for detained and opressed women in the media all over Europr and all the globe, and the only way to make difference” . NADIA / Gamag Европа
“Egalitarian media are also a must for men. Not just on March 8, which is a great symbol of equality, but all year long, every day”. MANU / / Gamag Europe
“ En GAMAG EUROPE no vamos a permitir que la extrema derecha esconda o minimice la lucha de las mujeres” TERESA / Gamag Europa
“We demand a feminist journalism that also looks at how experiences of race, class, disability and/or sexuality intersect with gender”. NOELIA / Gamag Europe
“As a Middle Eastern and Member of GAMAG Europe, I wholeheartedly denounce inequality among media workers and all female stereotyping”. RANDA / Gamag Europe
“Decimos NO a la precariedad laboral y profesional de las mujeres en los medios. Desde GAMAG trabajamos por una información de calidad para la ciudadanía con mujeres y hombres en igualdad”. LOLA / Gamag Europa
“Não, não vivemos num tempo de igualdade de género e portanto muitas desigualdades são ainda mais acentuadas”. CARLA / Gamag Europa
GAMAG, the Global Alliance on Media and Gender and its European chapter, GAMAG (GE) bring together men and women working for gender equality in the media. / GAMAG, la Global Alliance on Media and Gender y su capítulo europeo, GAMAG (GE) unen a hombres y mujeres que trabajan por la igualdad de género en los medios.