CSW 2018: Liberté de communication et égalité femmes/hommes
UN Headquaters, Conference Room 12 405 E 42nd Street, New York, NY, United StatesOrganisateurs: Réseau des Instances Africaines de Régulation de la Communication (RIARC -www.acran.org), Réseau des Instances de Régulation Méditerranéennes (RIRM- www.rirm.org), Réseau Francophone des Régulateurs des Médias (REFRAM - www.refram.org). En partenariat avec GAMAG. Thème: La liberté d’expression et de communication représente pour les acteurs médiatiques un droit fondamental au même titre que la non-discrimination de
CSW 2018: The role of the media in advancing gender equality
Church Centre for the United Nations, 10th Floor 777 UN Plaza, New York, NY, United StatesDescription: An inquiry into the role that media can play in social change at the grassroots, national and international levels. Come ready to explore the following questions in an interactive dialogue: What should be the role of media in society? How can media lift up the voices of women globally? Organisers: Bahai International Community
CSW 2018: Gender and Media – Policy dimensions and a research agenda (con interpretación)
Salvation Army Auditorium 221 E 52nd Street, New York, NY, United StatesOrganisers: Global Alliance for Media and Gender (GAMAG) and the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) Description: The panel will illustrate how the wider policy framework affects the gender equality dimensions in media and ICTs, including contents, women’s access to decision making positions, violence against women journalists online and offline, media and information
CSW 2018: Empowerment of rural women – what can media do?
4W43 Building, Aqua Room. 4 W 43rd St, New York, NY, United StatesOrganiser: International Media Support, an NGO working with local media in countries affected by armed conflict, human insecurity and political transition. Description: With best practices and challenges from Syria, Iraq, Kyrgyzstan and Zimbabwe, this panel will examine how media can involve women and girls in rural areas in the public debate and provide them with
CSW 2018: Young professionals talk gender in the media
Church Centre for the United Nations, 10th Floor 777 UN Plaza, New York, NY, United StatesEmail yp@ngocsw.org to RSVP