5 events found.
CSW 2018: Fundamentalismos en América Latina: Estrategias para una comunicación feminista
Salvation Army downstairs 221 East 52 Street, New York, United StatesAsociación Civil Comunicación Para La Igualdad (Argentina), Red PAR (Argentina), Alianza Global de Medios y Género (GAMAG) Capítulo América Latina y Articulación Feminista Marcosur
CSW 2018: The Holistic Gender and Media Agenda (con interpretación)
UN Headquaters, Conference Room 12 405 E 42nd Street, New York, NY, United StatesOrganisers: UNESCO and the Global Alliance for Media and Gender (GAMAG) Description: The panel will explore and debate the wide range of gender and communication issues hitherto omitted from past considerations of the CSW Review theme. The panelists will make the case for the centrality of communication in broader struggles for gender equality and women’s
GAMAG General Assembly
Complutense University Madrid Avda. de Séneca, 2 Ciudad Universitaria, Madrid, SpainMujeres periodistas y libertad de expresión en Afghanistan
https://web.facebook.com/LaCaderaDeEva. 4 PM GMT / 11 AM CDMX
CSW 2022. Gender in mechanisms for journalists’ safety and in media regulation
Zoom - Virtual CSWdetails coming soon!