Digital Communication Rights: Empowering women for the digital age

KJCC Auditorium, NYU 53 Washington Square South, New York, NY, United States

Where: in-person) New York University (NYU), KJCC auditorium. 53 Washington Square South, New York (on Zoom):Registration REGISTER When:12 March 2024, 10.00 AM - 12.00 PM Old and new forms of unequal access, exclusion, discrimination, stereotyping and violence accompany women and girls’ tech-mediated communication experiences. Civil society, academic and professional associations should be organized transnationally and

GAMAG at WSIS+20: Gender Equality and Inclusion in Our Digital Future

Join GAMAG, WACC and partners at the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) High Level event. Objective: To review the Global Digital Compact and to advocate for strengthening of gender equality in the global and national digital ecosystems. Zoom registration: Then select the session “Gender equality and Inclusion in our Digital Future”. 29

J is for Justice

30 years fighting for Gender Equality in the Media Celebrate, update and actualize Section J pertaining to the importance of achieving gender equality in and through the media (and media education) Join us online For questions or clarifications,  email or

CSW: Beijing +30 review of Section J “Women & Media”

Church Centre for the United Nations, 8th Floor 777 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY, United States

Title: Safeguarding Women’s Communication & Digital Rights When: March 11, 2025. 6.30-8.00 pm EST Where: CCUN 8th Floor, 777 UN Plaza, NY. and on Zoom  Description The Beijing Platform for Action’s Section ‘J’ called attention to the centrality of media and digital technologies for gender equality and women’s empowerment. 30 years later, indicators of

Women’s Communication Rights in the Digital Era Conference

Lisbon, Portugal Lisbon, Portugal

A Beijing+30 event. Organized by ICNOVA – NOVA Institute of Communication with support of the ECREA Digital Culture and Communication Section. ·  Dates: Thursday 18th & Friday 19th September 2025 ·  Location: Lisbon, Portugal ·  Deadline for submission of papers: 31st January 2025 See conference website for details.